Literacy Connects

Connecting people of all ages to a world of opportunities through literacy and creative expression.

Literacy and Social Justice

One of Literacy Connects’ core values is Equity and Social Justice, which requires that everybody has the opportunity to participate, learn and contribute. In pursuit of this, we advocate for equal access to educational opportunities. One way we live up to this value is by making our programs available to all.


Equal access to educational opportunities is social justice, and bound to literacy. Historically, barriers to access to literacy have been used as means of oppression. Though the barriers have differed over time, the inequitable impact remains. Literacy gives our students the tools to analyze problems, create solutions, and advocate for themselves and the community. These tools begin to address those systems of oppression. 


Self-expression, creativity and imagination, collaborative relationships, joy, and transformational learning can be gained through literacy. This work for social justice is a process that moves forward with literacy for all. We invite you to join us as we learn about systemic inequities in our community and our role in addressing them.

Are you based at the UArizona or in the Community?
Community Based