Grant Proposal Consultation

If you are new to including ‘Broader Impacts,’ ‘Broadening Participation,’ or ‘Societal Impact’ language in the grants you are pursuing, regardless of the funder, you will want to schedule a no-cost consultation with us. We can help you navigate this critical element of your grant.

A grant proposal consultation will help you map out the elements of this component and will help you to think through partnerships, collaborations, and evaluations you will want to pursue. Please fill out the consultation request form and explain your needs. Because the funding agencies expect this to be a seamlessly integrated component of your grant, please schedule your initial consultation at least 3 months before your grant is due. 

Depending on your request you will be assigned a meeting with a team member from the Societal Impact (SI) Office, or from one of the other programs under SI: STEM Learning Center (SLC), Native Peoples Technical Assistance Office (NPTAO), or the Office of Undergraduate Research (OUR). Note: For large scale center-like grants, we recommend beginning this conversation with us at least nine months in advance of your due date. 

The grant proposal consultation process can help you:

  • Understand  and explore what Broader Impacts or Broadening Participation means in your proposal and how it connects to Societal Impact
  • Identify what your Broader Impacts interests and options are (audiences, program ideas, design and execution) 
  • Understand how to design an education plan 
  • Understand how to design an education outreach program


UA Research Development Services (RDS):

NSF Broader Impacts (make sure to check out their list of related websites): 


ARIS (Advancing Research in Society): 
